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Friday, October 2, 2009

Introducing... more friends

Day 2: Fri. Sept. 27, The Townehouse, Sudbury

As we're pulling up to Point Au Baril on the 69, about 1hr out of Sudbury, I implore Casey to pull over. I have just spotted a very special old friend in the parking lot of the gas station; Michael Granka. Granka is an old friend who was an enigmatic bandleader and role model. As I introduce the BROOD to him, he immediately launches into stories of the good old days of us in a cover band together (The Michael Granka band), playing divey bars all over southern Ontario. Those stories need not be repeated here. This guy is good, and rest assured, if you ever break down just south of Sudbury, you will be in good hands with Michael at the helm of the CAA there. Just ask Falconhawk.
So the story goes, The Townehouse in Sudbury is not only the club where Stompin' Tom penned "Sudbury Saturday Night", it is where Nickelback signed the record contract that turned them from a mediocre bar band who play shinny into much maligned megastars with an indoor hockey rink.

BROOD tour manager Ryan Fields is currently manning the board at the Townehouse for us, quickly setting up sounds because the house soundguy didn't arrive until a tardy 9:30 for soundcheck. We actually met Ryan here in Sudbury about a month ago, and at that time he instantly proved himself to be our tour manager. by nature assisting the band, tuning guitars, putting away cymbals, carrying amps. This is the man you want for help on the road. He can also keep a driver awake for hours with conversation (a big asset), and hasn't repeated a story yet.

Certain students showed up like Nathan Lawr, a great drummer come songwriter. Enviable that someone can go from providing beats for the likes of King Cobb Steelie and Royal City, then go to releasing several excellent albums of original material, and receive a masters in History.
After the show, one kind geologist major purchased all of our albums plus a t-shirt. While I was signing them all with his friends circled around me, he informed me that he and said friends had visited Mexico this past April, and they all returned with the H1N1 (Swine flu) virus. Proof of survival right there, but no comfort to Mark and I, who as I mentioned, are already a little sick.

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