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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"Research In Motion" - maybe not!

This entry is a departure from it's usual highlights of touring with Elliott BROOD, but bears temporal relevance, and perhaps greater entertainment value: I hereby release my 2010 best-of Blackberry spellcheck list.

2010 was my first year with a smartphone. I am enamoured by the many benefits of owning a Blackberry 9700 BOLD, but equally amazed at it's sheerly retrograde spellcheck mechanism, especially in emails. One of my favourites is the reappropriation of it's own "bbm" (which stands for Blackberry Messenger) to "bum". Is that supposed to stand for "Blackberry Unmessenger"?

The BOLD 9700 spellcheck is quick exhibit it's inferiority by separating compound words, redirecting swearwords and generally being unhip to new jargon that most of it's users are applying en masse in their daily usage. The user then gets to affirm or deny if they really meant to type that word. Duh.

C'mon Research In Motion ! Live up to your name and invent an app to address the vernacular of the text-able !

And now the list :

blog = blob
tweets = sweets
tweeting = twee ting
texting = testing
Skype = Skye
bbm = bum
facebook = facebook
myspace = my space
Groupon = Group on

yay = nay

meds = mess
strepthroat = streetcar
videographer = photographer
supermodel = super model
whateva = what eva
no probs = no props
rumours = rum ours
relist = relish

Tunisian = Tension
Congolese = Congress
Pakistanian = Pakistan ian
Latvian = Latin
Estonian = Estrogen
Belorussian = Beloved
Brisbane = Briskets
Cranulla = Granola

Thur = Thug
DeGrassi = Degrees

asshole = assume
shit = shot
fuck = duck