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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oct 6, 7, 8 - One Movement Festival - Perth

Perth is another seemingly laid back lazy city, kind of resembling Miami, but tempered with a bit of Victoria BC regalness. There are lots of construction cranes, which of course are evident of their booming economy. News just came on that the AU dollar went up another cent, and they have been adding jobs at a rate of roughly 50,000/month. Compare with US job losses of around 90,000/month. In your face America ! And of course, with things going so well here, you can pay $26 for a chicken caesar salad, and $16 for a cocktail. In our own face, Perth !
Spring break at Scarborough beach

We had the daytimes essentially free, so on the Friday we scooted over to Scarborough Beach, just North of Perth. It is one of the last days of Spring break, and a splend and cloudless 32' celcius to boot. This is the most crowded beach I have ever seen, It didn't take much for me to get into the water (with Mark in tow) and body surf the powerful waves.I was probably the oldest teen out there. We had also just ran into the Trews, who had been surfing with real surfboards amongst thousands of young people. Having been out there, I can't imagine where they would've found room to negotiate a board through the crowd. Besides, the surf was powerful enough that you could catch a wave without one. But to each their own.

And what's up with the high visibility outfits over here? It's as if there is a love affair with flourescent, so nearly every public worker now wears some kind of refective safety outfit. I took these photos within about 5 minutes of each other:

Oct 7 It's time to get down to business. We play the Canadian Showcase at One Movement w/ the Trews, Matthew Barber, Colin Moore, Final Flash, JP Hoe, and the next day in a Car Park with the incredible Melbourne based duo, Big Scary. check them out!

I should also point out that Perth is exactly 12 hours away from Toronto. Ya can't get much further from home than that. Hail the mighty Skype!

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